
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Really need an answer when send something to Nigeria! My problem is so different than other!?

I knew a girl on the web from Nigeria. She wants to buy a camera. Then she asked her agent(??) to buy it from Kodak online store and sent it to me first then sent it her. Then I recieved it then tried to send it by Fedex. But they said they don't want to send anything to Lagos, Nigeria because so much scam. So I returned to Kodak by USPS. (I still had the Deilvery Confimation number) I checked online USPS did deliver to the Kodak in New York. But I called Kodak they didn't get anything. Now her agent said if I didn't give him back this camera, he is going to report to FBI that I am scammer or theif. What can I do now?!!!
First off. this is not unique to you at all. You are one of hundreds of people (usually men who get swept up with a girl in Nigeria on the internet) with a similar problem.
You were being duped to become part of the scam. They use stolen or duped credit cars to buy stuff but have it sent to a US address where they have duped someone into accepting delivery then sending it on to Nigeria.
Come on! Stop %26 think. You know her online. SO she obviously has a computer with internet capabilities. Why would she need an agent to buy the camera online for her, have it delivered to you, then have you ship it to her? Why would she not simply buy it online herself?? Why go through all the extra shipping expenses?
They are NOT going to notify the FBI.
#1, it is not the FBI's jurisdiction.
FedEx saved your butt. They have too much history with Nigerian scams to be shipping items there.
Call their bluff. At the next contact with the "agent" (more commonly known as accomplice), give him the phone number for the FBI. Encourage him to call. Not just call the FBI but also call the Nigerian authorities.
You could tell them to go to hell but they already live there.
as long as u documented everything with receipts, fuk em.lmao, a nigerian turnin someone else in for runnin a scam
Did the camera ever come into your hands?
Do you know for sure it is a camera and not an empty box or a box of junk?
If you have a FEDEX receipt for the package to be returned to Kodak, and a delivery confirmation,you are free and clear.
The Nigerian is probably trying to scam you.
You are being taken advantage of by a very common scam..Welcome to the world of con artisits..
they can not report you to the FBI..they are using false "scare tactics" to make a profit for their own use..
Cut off all contact and cut your contact off immediatly..
and always be very carefull when doing any business in any other country hwen you are not dealing with a legitimate foreign business..
people do not purchaase things through agents..it would of been purchased though you directly by the person wanting it..
Tell the agent you already called the FBI and they will be here when you get here . My bet is the her agent will never appear since the camera was obviously purchased with a stolen credit card. Tell her to call about 30 mins before she gets there so you can have time to call local police. That should end the matter right there. But I'm betting her agent never shows.

Really kings capture entire world, but British also capture entire world but they is no rules go detail studie

I'm thinkin'...crispy bacon...Yum Yum!
type ur question properly!
Waffles and eggs are good on Sundays for breakfast.
Pig wobble flop flop!
Go "studie" English.
ghkf;s gfjdkj gfdkj nnnm.dk nkfds;kn that made more sense then what you said
hi bhvani,
i understood u r question but , u need to check u r grammar,
u just go to any library and ask them about , world rulers, and world history, u may find what u looking for
bhavani, for gods sake, when ur u going to use proper english so that others can understand what u are trying to ask.
stop using gibberish
First of all whenever you ask a question type it properly.
If you want to know about british rule in india visit this website.

you will get every detail in this.

Re: Police Dilemma Question.?

Listen, eveyone I'm asking for your help not to be criticized. I need help. It's already to late to mind my business. Please I need input not to be made fun of.
We can't answer your question if it goes unasked.
I just searched to see if you had other questions related to this.
Yep. You do.
You need to tell the police EVERYTHING. Come clean to them, make sure you tell them this was not your idea or desire. See if your ex will vouch for you with the police, and tell them that you gave him a heads up as to what "Tracy" was trying to do. If he will stand by you on this, you shouldn't have any trouble, but Tracy will.
Good luck. Talk to your ex. Get him to help you. He should be grateful you interceded.
So what's your question?
Yeah.. you need to tell us what the question is..
Ok What is your question?
Ditto answer No. 1...So what's your problem?
erm.yes..(that is the answer to your non-apparent question)
O K so what is it you need help with?
You ask a question you need to state what the question is so it can be answered.
But anyhow I got two points. thx....

Re: Child support/private subpeona?

"Joe" has had a subpeona for 4 court dates regarding child support. He hasn't come to any dates, but "joe's" father does, and has lied under oath about the whereabouts of "Joe". A witness happened to mention after the last court date that he knows where Joe lives (not where dad said he lived) and Judge overheard. The judge told the person awaiting child support payments she could issue a 'private subpeona' of some sort, and that after that, police could actually be sent to find Joe, instead of just continuing to court subpeona him, only to have him not show up in court again. Obviously Joe is hiding out to avoid payment, and is likely trying to get on Social Security disability to avoid further payment. Has anybody ever heard of this or can shed some light??
go to the police station and file against him for contempt of court, you have a court ordered support right? he isint paying... therefore it is contempt of court, most people dont know they can just go to their local police station,but they can and if they have to push the cop to file the charges, "joe" is obviously stealing from his kids and now its time to pay up! if he then doesnt show up to court after the contempt of court(which he will get ticketed for) he will possibly get his liscence suspended, jail time,and his name and face posted all over for being a dead beat.if he does end up getting ojn social security, your children will also recieve a check monthly because he is "responsible" for them. good luck to you!
Well, it seems really dumb.
Also would never happen.
First of all, Joe's father can't make excuses for why his son is not in court. Unless he's dead or in prison, he has no excuse for flouting a court order, and the judge can and will drag him into court if he refuses to go willingly. That's what a subpoena is.
Secondly, (let's say that the judge didn't do that, which would never happen) the judge who overheard the statement about the real whereabouts of the person ducking the subpoena can not only issue a new subpoena, he or she can also send the sherriff or the police to that address to forcibly remove Joe and drag his deadbeat @$$ to court.
Thirdly, it's not the responsibility of the person awaiting child support payments to issue anything when there is proof that the person who was subpoenaed is disregarding it. It's a court order and the court issues and enforces it.
And lastly, there is no such thing as a private subpoena. A subpoena isn't a request, it's an order, and it's issued by a judge and in connection with a court case, and it's delivered in person to "Joe" by a sherriff's deputy. There are very few ways out of it, all of which need to be approved by the judge who issued it, and if Joe didn't get out of it legally, he would be dragged in and likely cited, maybe even arrested.
because family law is a private matter, the mother of the child must file the paperwork necessary to turn this into a criminal matter. that is what the judge is talking about. since he is not the attorney representing either side he cannot act until someone takes the request for him to do so. you can go down to your local courthouse. read all the forms. they will have what you are looking for.

Re: Child & Spousal Support & Court?

My soon to be ex is refusing to continue with support payments until either a separation agreement is signed, or we finalize an agreement in court. He is parading around town in a new mercedes, shopping like crazy for himself, including new teeth, new rims for the car, etc. My question is: Will the courts take into consideration his lifestyle and purchases when deciding what the support payment amount will be? AND will they also require him to make payments for the months that he did not provide support?
I live in Canada. And the reason I'm asking here is because my lawyer would probably charge me a couple hundred dollars just to answer those questions. Thanks in advance.
I don't know how things work in Canada, but if they work similar to the US, awards for child and spousal support usually work as follows:
1) you have your lawyer file a notice of separation with the court.
2) you will have to provide proof of when your spouse left the homestead and provided no support to you or your child (I assume you are not working)
3) The court will then make a temporary award for support (spousal and child) and it will be back dated to when you can show your husband left.
4) The court will base the award on the standard of living you and your child enjoyed during the marriage, and on the assets and income your husband and you have.
5) When a final decree is made (actual legal divorce), when the judge is dividing up assets, he will most likely deduct any award that would have gone to your husband by what the court would consider wasteful depletion of the martial estate. If by chance there aren't enough assets left, your alimony support will be increased to make up the shortfall.
I would recommend you file with the court as soon as possible. Have your lawyer complete an immediate accounting of your husband's assets and the assets of the martial estate. The court can place a temporary injuction on your husband from wasting any more of the martial assets. Move quickly before, he can hide any assets also.
I am in Colorado - and we went to a mediator for our divorce - and I brought it up that my ex was unemployed, but still finding time to run around on vacations with his new girlfriend, but couldn't afford to pay me child support. The mediator told him that needed to stop - as the judge would have a hay day with it in court. I is probaby different in Canada - but I think that they should at least look at it - and I would make a point to point it out.

Re. the alleged intensive care interrogation of Ashcroft by Gonzales, should Ashcroft be called in to tell?

his version under oath, or should (and will) the President allow a special prosecuter to investigate the facts?
yes no maybe
yes, yes, and no. duck, duck, goose..

Rape!! if we ennact islamic shariah ( death penalty for rape) will the graph of rape will rise or will fall??

tell truthfully
That depends on what you graph... actual rapes committed, or rape convictions. I think the number of rapes committed will drop very slightly, but the number of convictions will plummet. Basically, rape will go on, but no one will get in trouble for it any more, because juries won't want to convict if the death penalty is the only possible punishment.
rape/murder will rise for sure
I don't think rapists consider the punishment for the act of rape before they rape someone. They are too busy planning how they are going to commit the crime to think about the consequences. I don't believe most people who commit any crime believe they will ever be caught so wouldn't consider what the punishment is until they have been arrested.
Please spare the world the Islamic shariah!! Death for crime and chopping off hands for stealing?! May God protect us from such atrocities. If this kinda law would be implimented then the so called protectors of the shariah law would start abusing their power just like they are in Saudia Arabia. Hasn't it been proved that power in the hand of the few elite men always end in cruelty and injustice over time? A person who steals can repent later on if sent to prison, but once a hand is chopped off or death penalty given, there is no coming back! I would never want these kind of laws in our society. Look at all the false rape claims by some women. If there was this nasty law then all the accused men will be considered for death penalties. How gross!
I am not saying rape should go unpunished. All I mean is that the rape count will not come down anyways by introduction of Islamic laws but the false claims would also rise along with it and many innocent people will have to go through the torture of considering themselves doomed even before the trial!
I think the number of people who survive rape will go down. I mean if you're going to hang for rape why not just kill the only eye witness than can tie you to the crime.
Repubs would love it they like to execute people!
Depends on how you look at it. If we also enact Isalmic law for women and families alike then women can be killed for being raped (as she has dishonored her family by having sex outside marriage, this is how honour killings are justified).
There was a 14 year old Canadian muslim girl who was forced to give oral sex to a classmate in the toilet block. She was targeted because she was muslim and therefore deemed to be a more appropriate target because of her religious beliefs and that she was less likely to tell anyone what happened.
Did you mean that only the offenders get the death penalty? Ahh.. Well I guess that will be lowered. Of course, offenders may just get smarter and say I know where you live and I'll kill all your siblings if you say anything, you can't protect them all and I have friends..
Rape will stay the same. The death penalty has no greater deterrent effect than 20 years in prison.
The number of murders will go up, however, as more rapists kill their victims to keep them silent.
I thinks it will neithe rise or fall. For the mere reason such people think they will never be caught.
From what I understand, the application of the Shariah Law by tribal and local community authorities in countries like Pakistan and other places usually results in the death penalty being applies to the raped woman. And this of course discourages women from complaining to anyone about being raped.
Implementation of the Shariah Law probably increases the incidence of rape. But such rape becomes hidden from the authorities because many women don't complain about it. And perhaps according to official statistics, the incidence of reported rape decreases.
drops dramaticall yfor sure

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