Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Question about STATE TAX LIENS ...?

I have a state tax lien filed against me (NC-USA) from several years ago. I was working with a criminal attorney, and he assured me he could resolve the civil lien as well as my other "issue". Well, it appears he's dropped the ball in the civil arena, and I don't know what my options are at this point. Does a state tax lien ever "expire" after a number of years?
No, it doesn't expire -- it remains until it is paid in full.
If the lien was solely based on a conviction that has since been overturned, the lien can be removed by notifying the tax agency of your state of that fact.
Other than that, the lien remains until paid, or until you get the governor to issue a pardon excusing you from paying it.
No. You have to pay if you wish the lien to be removed.

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