Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Re: Police Dilemma Question.?

Listen, eveyone I'm asking for your help not to be criticized. I need help. It's already to late to mind my business. Please I need input not to be made fun of.
We can't answer your question if it goes unasked.
I just searched to see if you had other questions related to this.
Yep. You do.
You need to tell the police EVERYTHING. Come clean to them, make sure you tell them this was not your idea or desire. See if your ex will vouch for you with the police, and tell them that you gave him a heads up as to what "Tracy" was trying to do. If he will stand by you on this, you shouldn't have any trouble, but Tracy will.
Good luck. Talk to your ex. Get him to help you. He should be grateful you interceded.
So what's your question?
Yeah.. you need to tell us what the question is..
Ok What is your question?
Ditto answer No. 1...So what's your problem?
erm.yes..(that is the answer to your non-apparent question)
O K so what is it you need help with?
You ask a question you need to state what the question is so it can be answered.
But anyhow I got two points. thx....

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