I just read that the average amount of welfare for a family of three is $235 per month. How can people say that you will pop out additional kids for more money when the amount of money given is next to nothing? Seriously, what could you possibily do with 235 per month and 3 kids?? In fact, what's the point of the welfare system if they are going to provide that little? That isn't going to help anyone!
That average is just cash money. It doesn't include food stamps, low income housing, medical insurance and the rest of the benefits that welfare families get.
So maybe everyone should find a way to provide their own money. We're doing the best we can, so it's better to appreciate the fact we care instead of insulting it.
average was the key word. many families get over $1000, but some seniors just get $20 in food stamps...so the average is just that.
People who qualify for welfare also get free or subsidized housing, free health care, food stamps, free school supplies for their children, free school lunches for their children, etc. It's a whole different way to look at life when it's down to basics. That's all that welfare covers and in my opinion that is enough.
Maybe it will teach these people to get off of their lazy @$$ and get a job like the rest of society. I live in Ontario, Canada and the welfare trash do get more if they keep popping kids out. It burns my husband's butt when he is driving home from work after a 60-70 hour work week and when he drives past the welfare building they are all sitting out on lawn chairs smoking and swilling beer into them, while their kids are dressed in rags.
The point of the wefare system isn't to use our tax dollars to pay someone who is too lazy too work. It is supposed to help them get by while they are "actively seeking employment". (ya right)
You are right, you can't. A part-time job would help. The current Earned Income Credit helps those working tremendously.
That's just the Welfare check. You have to add to that all the other "extras" to consider their true "income." I knew someone with two kids, which when you considered the whole package, was doing better than a lot of people NOT on welfare.
He also worked at a full serve gas station with a mechanic's bay, which he would do small jobs and sell and mount tires.
He got:
His check (minimum wage plus commission from the bay)
Nearly free housing (low income apartment complex cost him $17 a month. Included utilities and cable)
Food Stamps
Free health care
Some kind of allowance for his vehicle (not sure what)
Free lunches for his kids in school
Help from a Food Kitchen (got bags of free groceries)
All in all... he was doing pretty well. He had NO incentive to change his lifestyle, really. Because he was content to live in public housing and drive old cars.
Something is wrong with this picture.
Many of them have other jobs or ways to make money.
There is no way to support them on 235.00. I am sure they get a lot of food stamps too. There is so many of us that really need the help and get it. I have experienced that.
I am on disability, can't work, and only receive enough to barely pay bills. Groceries are not often bought, and they will provide no help with my health problems or Dr. or hospital.
My husband has died about 1 1/2 yrs. ago and it has been really tough to get by. Sure can't buy any clothes, or misc.
Most of the immigrants get all the help they need, and people that can really cheat. I can't because they have the info to my disability and I can't find another way to get money.
It is disgraceful! Yes, they keep having kids and receive more and more or lie alot. They know I can't have kids and I sure don't want to at my age.
They have done away with so many things to help people, because they say money is so short, well if they would really check out those people they would know why and where the money has gone.
I agree with you whats the point. I have to laugh when people who go on and on about how people in this position are living a carefree life at taxpayers expense. The big problem is how do you get out of a system that you cant really LIVE in.No money for even the basic need of life.Never mind the things children should be able to expect in life. I commend anyone who has had to live like this and survived. Yes there are stories of great heroics concerning people who managed to work out of this situation with great difficulty, but there are many sick and discouraged who have been unable to, many , many, whos life is struggle after struggle. Help with training and transportation needs to be better, quality daycare ,and basic food and shelter needs are inadequate. Have compassion for those who struggle in this situation , as for those [and the number is statistically small]who are supposedly taking advantage [Of what] this exisits in all walks of life , lawyers ,polititians, ect Why pick on the powerless?
the amount they are giving you is to help you out not pay your way in wisconsin there is no longer welfare you have to work for every penny you get .. it sounds like its time for other states to follow wisconsin .. and for you to go get a job and attend some classes to fuether your education so you can better take care of your children with out the aid of the welfare system.. and leave the system help those that are disbaled and elderly more .. so with that said give up the soap operas and hoo hoo's and get off the couch and get a job.. learn to work for what you want in this life and need, stop making others pay for your laziness..and teach your kids better than you were tought and give them a better life .. they will thank you for it make them proud of you..
Welfare cripples people. The system should be abolished. People become codependent and won't LIVE their life and face challenges. You make rats out of them. If they had no welfare, people would go and do something for themselves. I think an ocational free linch would help, but never monthly stripends. There are many jobs and opportunities that these people could go for but won't because they already get a check. Look at the movie "pursuite of happiness" for this is the driving force within all people...to make something of themselves. Had will gotten an easy check, he might have become a lazy slob which later could never enter the work force. But instead he rose up father than anyone could imagine and became very rich for his personal drive for sustainablility. Welfare creates stupid, lazy people. What would God think, when he sent these people down wo do their souls work to find they just went the easy route? Each person has a gradn souls path and it is time we create a better system to help people find them!
Welfare never helps anyone...myth! It steals their soul.
I know that here in California when someone applies for Welfare they are required to sign a form stating that they understand that they will not receive any additional amount of money should they have more children.
That was one of the main problems with the Welfare System. Women would keep having more and more kids and then when they turned 18 and aid ended the mother would still be in the hole.
Welfare Reform has changed much of that and has guidelines as far as the adults in the family being required to work, attend school, do volunteer work, etc., or any other approved activity. If they do not comply then their cash aid amount will be lowered or sanctioned until they are in compliance.
As far as $235 a month for an adult and 3 children, that is a little low. You have to keep in mind that they are receiving cash aid, food stamps, and sometimes child care paid for and transportation reimbursed. The cash aid amount will also be affected if the parent is working at all. Their cash would be lowered then.
The amount you said sounds like that would be an amount if the parent was working at a 40 hour a week job. If they grossed about $1200 a month, their cash aid would very likely be close to $235.
Regardless of the amounts it is still difficult for a family to live on nowadays. Plus if it is only a mother and her children she is required to sign over her rights to child support. Typically she would only receive a $50 disregard amount.
I hope this helps some!!
A few weeks ago I was reading a story about a New Orleans woman who was complaining about how far away her "temporary" housing was from the city. The point of her arguement was that it was not fair that she did not have access to things as she did not have a car and was basically stranded out there. In this interview she stated (paraphrased but the amount is correct cause it stunned me) she said...i live here in this trailer trying to provide for my family on 686 dollars a week.do you know how far 686 dollars gets you these days...net very..Now mind you she has no mortgage, no car, no medical expenses and no groceries to pay for.
dear pop-out: the idea of welfare is to sustain (on the barest of $$$), until such a time that the person can do for themselves. the $$ depends on where that person lives. they are also given food stamps %26 surplus food but still i know that isn't enough, really. as the family increases, so does the state/city dole amt. it is not meant to keep people on welfare but to encourage them FROM staying on the dole. see? under most circumstances when a person has next to nothing, a small something is better than a lot of nothing!
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