Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Racist co-worker?

my friend works for a prominent firm. They've hired a guy from the Netherlands and address some of the employs by his or her origin i.e that black guy, that korean girl, that spanish guy. The firm repremanded him and told him that that is inappropriate and its consider a racial statement. He got offened and said that Americans are so sensitive. feedback?
I don't think he's necessarily racist, just not programmed to political correctness and label sensitivity as we are in our culture. He should be open to learning how to get along in a different country; being offended because his ways aren't ours doesn't help anyone.
Are you sure he actually knows the peoples names and can remember them.
I think, sometimes we are. maybe theres more to it. everyone was raised with rules and expectations, and they carry those on in life. maybe he really dosent mean any of those comments and he is just bad with names.
I agree ! The firm is right to repremand him!
How would he like it if someone called him whitey .
People have names ! You do not talk down to them .
Actually funny I met quite a few outspoken racist from the netherlands and I let them know outfront that it was pure ignorance they were showing

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