Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Question about the ADA?

I do vaulinteer work for a drop in center for people with mental illnesses. I am also board president and I do the newsletters for them to tell them the upcoming events and I tell them about things like the ADA. I have writers block and I need a little help on what to say about the ADA. Some good things. I know that means Adults Disabilities Act. I know of some of the good things they do but I need help putting it into words.
Go to the U.S. dept of Labor website, find the section governing the A.D.A.. I would suggest printing out the F.A.Q.s (frequently asked questions) and their is generally a summary or condensed version of the features of the act. Try google (i.e. u.s. department of labor + A.D.A.) good luck.
cough - Americans with Disabilities Act... cough
I'm a little concerned if you are a board president of the mental health center...especially with your lack of education and spelling errors!
First off, it is the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA was signed and in effect in 1990. The ADA is a set of laws to enable individuals in having equal access to their community. This includes, accessible entrances, parking, and other amenities in public businesses and to help with accommodations.
Also the ADA helps protect individuals with disabilities and to provide equal opportunities to employment, services, and public buildings.
For more information contact the ADA Technical Center at 800-949-4232
Also if a person is being discriminated due to a disability, all states have many different organizations to help individuals such as Independent Living Centers, Disabilities Rights Center, Governor Council on Disabilities, etc. The different agencies and organizations may have a different variation on titles, but they are similar!

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