Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Question for Christians.?

Ok, I dont know if I have asked this in here before but here it goes. I heard how a Muslim woman wanted a divorce and took her husband to court for beating her. The guy got away with it! Now how's come Christians cannot spank their children without having Children Services called? There IS a difference between disapline and abuse, dont get me wrong, but that is why God created the butt, to be spanked. The reason that man got away with that is its O.K in their religion. Well the Bible tells us to spank out children when they do wrong. So why is it ok for Muslims and not Christians?
Got away with the divorce? What?
Perhaps she had no evidence. Evidence is required in a court of law.
Did she get her divorce? And spanking is wrong, by the way.
That's a very strange question. You'd have to do a lot more than "spank" your child for CPS to get involved. As to the Muslim,perhaps he succeeded in proving that his wife was lying about the beatings.
Physical pain inflicted on another human for any reason other than medical are wrong.
I totally agree with you. It is against the law to beat somone but if it part of your religion then its alright.what a crock of s h i t! Im christian and if my daughter does somethign wrong im sure to give her a swat on the butt, but if a Muslims wife doesnt fart correctly her husband can beat her till he is tired.
That America for you!
Pobably because we can never offend Muslims, or any minority, then we have to deal with being called racist and crap like that.
How do you know God created the butt for spanking? Because it says so in the bible? It also says you should kill your neighbor if they talk to you about other gods. You should really try to follow the bible as it is... it's his word or hell, remember?
Some courts are afraid to impose our western values upon foreign persons because they were not raised with out values and supposedly didn't know any better. I have seen courts that have not allowed that excuse and have imposed our values on them. They are in America and we don't condone spousal or child abuse. They have to live according to our laws. The judge that allowed your example to be excused for his bad behavior was wrong. The woman should appeal the decision. I am pretty sure that the appellate court would overturn the decision and make the man be accountable for his bad actions.
Because our Government wants to control everything about the Christian values. They welcome them and their families because they have money, they believe Christians are a weak people and being a Christian is for a needy or again weak people this is why our government is not trusted by its own American people.

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