Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Really kings capture entire world, but British also capture entire world but they is no rules go detail studie

I'm thinkin'...crispy bacon...Yum Yum!
type ur question properly!
Waffles and eggs are good on Sundays for breakfast.
Pig wobble flop flop!
Go "studie" English.
ghkf;s gfjdkj gfdkj nnnm.dk nkfds;kn that made more sense then what you said
hi bhvani,
i understood u r question but , u need to check u r grammar,
u just go to any library and ask them about , world rulers, and world history, u may find what u looking for
bhavani, for gods sake, when ur u going to use proper english so that others can understand what u are trying to ask.
stop using gibberish
First of all whenever you ask a question type it properly.
If you want to know about british rule in india visit this website.

you will get every detail in this.

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