Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Questions about family law and restraining orders in oregon.?

ok, so my husband hit me when he was drunk, which is the only time I have problems with him. when hes sober hes a total sweetheart and treats me like a princess. I called the cops and because I had arks they took him to jail. I got a restraining order and moved out when he was in jail. in my restraining order I put he could contact me by phone or email, but the sherriff told him he couldnt. we want to works things out and have the judge get him counseling and help for his alchohol abuse, and hes out of jail now, and wants help with both of these things. is he allowed to contact me by phone or email or was the sherriff pulling his leg? We have a 13 month old son together and I would like to talk with him about him. plus does the restraining order count if we want to do couples counseling? I need answers.. please help.
Every story has two sides and before you act you need to be accountable for your part. That is why you need to do the counseling. Follow the court orders and then work things out.
usually and unfortunatly for some restraining orders are not responded to until after someone is hurt!
the police really dont want to get involved in dometic disputes because like in your situation peaple usually get back together after things calm down!
but be careful and ask the county attourney about you situation so you will not be thought of as a flake!
I would have a middle person handle comunication. If you want coupes conciling, it rarely works, but I would wait until he gats a 90 day pin from AA.

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