Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Question about sexual harassment?

A female friend of mine was harassed by her boss in a car dealership. He made direct unwanted sexual advances and did not stop when asked to. The girl went to the owner of the company who document the incident. Since the incident the guy has threatend to fire her, called her names in front of other employees, and accused her of being a liar and trying to set up a law suit because she has no money. Of course, none of those statements are true and the girl feels stuck and very stressed because all of her co-workers now treat her like a cancer. The owner of the company says there is nothing she can do about it because she has no proof and its her word against his. I dont think that is true. Does she have any options available to her?
To get the BEST and CORRECT answer visit the EEOC link below. They will have the answers you are looking for.
Yes - call a lawyer, now. The lawyer will tell her how to document the abuses. She clearly has a case. They deserve to be sued.
ask the people that heard him call her names to speak with the owner on her behalf. If that doesn't work, get an attorney and sue

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