Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pre Law Major?

I am currently a freshman at North Carolina State University. I am planning on attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law after I earn my Bachelors Degree. I am considering Mechanical Engineering or a double major in Mathematics and Physics. Which major would increase my chances of being accepted to Law School?
as a general question--why would you pursue natural sciences if you know you're going into law?
but unc doesn't bend one way or another on which major you should have for law school.
physics majors tend to do better on the LSAT--but that doesn't necessarily mean that doing physics will make your score higher.
either way, i'd recommend some philosophy, political science, economics, english, history, etc.
Any major that you do well in would get you in -- law schools primarily are interested in solid and consistent grades. Math will help you with the LSATs, but other than that...
If you want to go into patent law, then MechE will serve you in better stead. If you want to go into tax law or accounting, math never hurts. But again, other than that...
You do not have to major in any particular major to attend law school. All you need is a bachelors degree and a good LSAT score. Besides being a Mechanical Engineering major, Mathematics, or Physics major can help you in what ever concentration of law that you may want to practice.
Liberal arts or English. The first teaches you how to think. The second teaches you how to communicate. Both are needed skills.

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