Saturday, October 24, 2009

Prisons don't work, what do you think would be a good alternative?

I was going ask if prisons work, but it had already been asked a few times, and I have a big suspicion that they really don't work. So what would be a good alternative? Bearing in mind a criminal is a problem of society, so society needs to be corrected, but how?
You are right, Prison doesn't work. There are a whole range of sentencing options available to the UK courts that are effective in reducing reconviction rates (Accredited Offending Behaviour Programmes). There are systems and processes that have been proven to be very effective in protecting the public from those who have been released from prisons at the end of the custodial part of their sentences (MAPPA). There are effective programmes for deterring youth crimes (Youth Inclusion Programmes).
None of these successful initiatives get the credit they deserve, they don't sell papers and they are not as effective at winning votes as the increasing rhetoric of 'toughness' is.
bring back hanging its cheaper
an eye for an eye
Bring Back the death penalty and toughen up our laws.The police do their job only to have the courts slap them on the hand and set them free.
Send them to Cuda
There are several Buddhist philosophy type programs in prison and half-way houses that are showing a high success rate.
They could be perminantly installed in either the Big Brother house or on the Jerry Springer/Jeremy Kyle Show. That way they'd be entertaining the rest of us and keeping the streets clean AND getting Jeremy Kyle off the streets!
Society will never be fixed well enough to prevent crime. There has to be tough penalties for certain acts of crime. This should be statewide. Those that hurt children should be in jail or worse.
Bring back hanging for the more serious crimes, the stocks and branding for smaller crimes orrrrrrrrrr to use the modern day methods, give them all vouchers, offer holidays and take them out on day trips :-/
Maybe instead of that, we could implant reward/punishment electrodes in known crimials, and have a person watch their every move through their lives. If they so much as think of doing anything threatening - hit them straight in their brain's punishment center with a strong bolt of correction.
Why don't prisons work? Your taking murders,rapist, child predators off the street and locking them up, where they deserve to be. Maybe it's our laws and plea bargains that don't work. I think anyone who commits a felony should not be entitled to a plea bargain. That's how these people out of jail and commit and same crimes again.
Take away the easy care system prisons have become and let the inmates sweat it out with no air conditioning and bland rations. Today the prison system treats inmates better than low income families live. No TV, Limited radio and no magazines could help make prisoners feel like they are doing hard time. How about two meals a day instead of 3 and no sugar, coffee or other treats.
Yes... Prison without the pool tables and playstations, money allowance and tuck shops. Bring back chain gangs, and hard labour. Set sentences for crimes, murderers get LIFE, child abusers daily beatings, clamped testicles and LIFE, and burglers have their greasy fingers removed and when released they go home to find everything gone!
Prisons work because they keep criminals off the streets instead of burgling our houses. If they are inside doing their time for a crime then they cannot do it again until free. Why do people believe that prison doesn't work? Ridiculous.
I say put them all in a huge island for storage in a gigantic prison, then send them to fight our wars. Give those with life sentences the choice to shorten their sentence by dying for their country and shorten their sentence instead of rotting away in a prison. That will help get rid of all those criminals taking up prison space.
Also, put to death all high risk sex offenders, frequent law breakers, gang members, and the rest who make our society a big inconvenience.
A "Justice Field" as demonstrated on the british sci fi comedy Red Dwarf.
Anytime you commit a crime within the justice field, the same thing happens back to you. You commit arson, you are set on fire. You try to stab someone, you are stabbed instead.
Of course this isn't really possible, but something like this would be amazing to use. :)
they should build a new town called prison town like all the convicted people stay on one side and all the un-convicted on the other.Austrailia's doin ok.
Why do you say prisons don't work? As long as the thugs are locked up in the joint they can not rape or rob or kill anyone other than one of their fellow prisoners, and quite frankly I can't work up a whole lot of sympathy for those. As for alternatives - kill them all might sound very attractive, but of course it is a little more extreme that most people would go for. (Including me)
I think some kind of military style punishment is a good idea, especially for the younger offenders. I often watch a programme called Bad lads army, where criminals can choose to do time or basically join a military corp. It really works and you see these guys change. Teaches them a bit of respect.
I also believe that for serious offenders, life should mean life, losing your freedom for the rest of your life is surely a far worse punishment than death. Then prison works.
Man does think what man does think - I suspect you will find that there are many more men that are criminals than women therefore the problem first must be tackled through the male of the species.
For all sex crimes the genitalia and hands should be removed on the NHS -
For all murderers and big time thieves and drug dealers eyes, hands and tongue should be removed.
Then all should be placed on a cockroach invested island surrounded by sharks.
A practical and effective alternative. These people have given up their human rights just by committing the crime.
DEATH seems to stop repete crimes
Rehab and Reform. Our prisons would work if we had more programs in place. Many prisons have rehab and edu programs but the catch is that they are not open to all offenders or that there is not enough openings in these programs to allow all inmates to attend them. These programs need to be mandatory and all inmates need to attend them.
As far as reform, I think that all juveniles need to be given community service upon first offenses instead of letting them off to become reoffenders. Parents of reoffending juveniles should be held responsible if they are not trying to help the child reform and rehabilitate. Reoffending juveniles turn into reoffending adult criminals if not handled properly. The key is to stop it before it starts.
Hanging, castration, amputation, public birching and the stocks. Its a reasonable solution to most serious crimes.
Public stocks and Pillory
I think education is important. For some, prison does work but not all. Sometimes prisons are too easy on some prisoners. Some get TV, they get to go shoppin etc. Firstly they shouldn't be rewarded for their behaviour and secondly they should be educated about what they did and why it's wrong.
I don't think they should be too harsh on them for example by killing them, but they should be educated in a nice manner so that they might actually listen and think about what they've done.
The thing about prison is it can sometimes be a great place for prisoners to just sit there and reflect on what they've done and really think about it. And with the right education, it could probably help a great deal.
Perhaps prisoners should be shown things from other peoples point of view, for example shown a documentary about a child who saw their parents die right in front of his or her eyes, so perhaps the prisoner can sympathise and realise that what they are doing is hurting other people.
Get rid of political correctness..
The human psychophysiology has evolved to learn from negative reinforcement when performance is bad. If you burn yourself it hurts and you learn; if you go near flame and a parent hits you it hurts and you learn. However, if a parent says "that wasn't a good idea, was it?" then little learning takes place.
Now translate this to social settings, when we are concerned for the good of society. A kid steals, his parents hit him - he learns. A kid steals, his mates have sevral months congratulating him, he goes to court for a couple of hours, he's told (for the seventh time) that if he does it again he'll b e sorry - he learns. He learns that there is no real consequence to stealing, and that from time-to-time, he'll have a boring afternoon in court listenig to a fart in a wig.
Political correctness, no smacking, giving the victim-perpertrator 15 months to prepare their case, fails to recognise the biological fact that punishment for misdemeanors needs to be immediate, appropriate, and largely physical (but not to excess). It's not that prison doesn't work, but that hte punishment takes too long, and is often inappropriate.
Rant over.
Public floggings!! If they killed somebody like a child throw them in with the regular prisoners they would know what to do with him!!

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