Saturday, October 24, 2009

Probation violation, what will happen to me.?

Last year i got a under age consumtion charge and im not going to my consuler and my probation officer told me i will get a probation violation what will happen to me. im worried lol.
youll know soon enough thats for sure
That type of violation carries a minimum of 5 years .lol

Go see your counselor and you won't have this problem.
They can formally charge you since you failed to meet the obligations of your probation.
You do the crime, Chinagirl say you get caught you do the time!
you could serve all or some of the remainder of your probation in jail.
You will have to serve the rest of your time...
I'm thinking.
Go see you freakin' p.o. and get it over with. Every day just makes it worse.
sounds like the death penalty for you
last meal?
um im not sure but my sister got the same thing so ill ask her
no laughing matter you will serve out the rest of your time in jail, since you don't sound like your over 18 it will most likely be in a juvenile detention center. should have thought a little more first eh? good luck with that one
depending on the state in which you reside, as well as prior offenses, you may have three chances to violate your probation (depending on the circumstances). Your third violation could find you back to court with a very irratated judge adjusting our sentence. Many times this could mean placement in a juvenile detention facility for several months - which isn't something to joke about.
Locked up. Enjoy!

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