Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pregnancy Discrimination...?

Hello... I just need some opinions... I started a new job and about a week after starting it I found out I was already 8 weeks pregnant... ( I was having negative urine tests)... Anyway... When I was hired I signed the "at will" employee contract... Well about 3 weeks after I started I began having problems with my pregnancy and had to be hospitalized... I missed a total of 5 days work... When I got home they called and said they couldn't hold my position open anymore... I was terminated... I had doctors notes and everything... Are they allowed to fire me for that?...
I did call a couple attorneys... One said he could help me... The other said there is nothing I can do cause I was an "at will" employee... Who is right?... I didn't think you could be fired for missing work because of pregnancy... especially with doctors notes... Any advice would be appreciated...
yes they can fire an at will employee without reason. discrimination against women does still exist though. my wife has faced it many times on her job(that she has been on for 14 years),including when she was on maternity leave.
added. sweetpea,try living up to your name
Call OSHA, they can give you advice and correct advice too.
Under the 90 days, you are gone. I would have let you go to. This may sound harsh but companies hire you because they need a job performed. You cannot perform that job when you are out on a medical. Missing any work in your first 90 days is a bad omen and most employers will let you go for that.
At will is exactly what it means.
There is no grey area when it comes to those little words.
I'm pretty sure that companies can fire you for any reason at any time. I think that is in the papers that you sign. They don't have to tell you why they no longer need you anymore also...that stinks though..Good Luck!
I know how you feel, when my wife was pregnant they wouldn't let me get off work either, nor when I didn't show up they didn't hold my job.
You know come to think of it there's an old wives tale that women make 70 cents while a man makes one dollar. Gee I wonder why? I wonder how many men get leave for pregnancies? I wonder how much time off non pregnant women get too? So much for equal rights huh ladies?
Now I have to get back to the floor all the other nurses are on another "unofficial" smoke break.
As bad as it sounds you were only an "at will" and probationed worker at the time. They can do it if they wanted to, and if you still have question contact your State Labor Division they can give you the apprroriate answer and even help you recover money if thet are found to have done something against your states labor laws.

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