Saturday, October 24, 2009

Presidential Candidate issues Citizen's Arrest Warrant for Police harrassment during Campaign. Did you know?

Presidential Candidate Jim Athans, perhaps best known for recent lawsuits against President George W. Bush for Civil Rights violations, presents following Citizens Arrest warrant:
For the obstruction of a Federal Campaign of a Candidate for Federal office and in violation of Federal and local Election laws, warrants for arrest of Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca and L.A.P.D. Police Chief William Bratton are presented for Prosecutorial activity.
For obstructing attempts to obtain Campaign Media representation. For obstructing all Campaign fundraising efforts. For ongoing efforts to slander and defame Candidate. For creating and fostering environment of personal endangerment. With authority granted by the State of California to it's citizenry for remedy of criminal activity, notice is now given that these operatives cease all illegal activities and turn themselves over to City and County Prosecutors for violations against a Federal Candidate for the Presidency of the United States.
I have never in all my years seen a "Citizen's Arrest Warrant." Are they written in red or green crayon? Who the heck signed off on them Barney Fife? I bet it is as valid as the paper it is written on.
I'm going to say something I have always scoffed at others for saying. If this guy gets elected I am leaving the country.
...and so it begins
"...perhaps best known for recent lawsuits against President George W. Bush for Civil Rights violations..."
So he wishes! About the only ones who best know him are psych ward employees.
#1 - There are no citizens arrests anymore. The term was changed years ago.
#2 - Even if there was such a thing, citizens do NOT issue arrest warrants. The arrest has to be made then the arrestee presented to a law enforcement officer.
So, Jim, as soon as you have Baby Bush in custody, call an officer to take control of your prisoner.

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