Saturday, October 24, 2009

Present Day "Legal" Crimes Against Humanity?

Can you help me broaden this list? I'm looking for examples that are PRESENT DAY, that I can look up %26 find more info about. At minimum they must be illegal in the USA. It would be better if they were legal in the countries they occur.
1. Legal Islamic stonings. ex.
2. Known orphaning of children. Example:
"The Nepalese government offers no help to these children..."
3. Legalized Child Prostitution
Nepal/Costa Rica/... African Countries
"I cannot fathom why Costa Rica would go half way in ... allowing legal child prostitution through a loophole that allows married children to legally sell their bodies on the streets."
4. Child Labor
Nike -
Kathy Lee Gifford Clothing Line:
"The young women working in the plant for Kathy Lee were found to be of thirteen to fifteen years of age "
I believe slavery is still practiced in the Sudan. In 2007. Hard to believe, but apparently true.
"Honor Killings" in islamic countries. Typically of women by their families.
Genocide in Darfur.

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